Saturday, October 18, 2008

KYC Extends UK Paranoia

Jesus H Christ it's getting worse by the day in the cradle of democracy. Has the whole world gone stark raving mad? Timesonline is reporting news that you will need to present a passport to obtain a mobile phone in future. So that's great. Now as well as having to present two (or is it three now) forms of identification to a person who's been taking my bank deposits for nearly ten years in case I'm money laundering, parroting some laughable excuse for a security check every, repeat every, time I want to discuss my meagre pension with some call-center exotic, being told that my call may be recorded for 'training and security purposes', I now have to produce a passport if I want get a mobile phone which is not much more than a glorified radio tag anyway. Well I've had about enough of this bollocks. Jaqui 'if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to fear' Smith has gone too far this time and this worm is ready for turning. I'm about as likely to vote Conservative as I am to stick a loofa up my arse and fart the Marseillaise but David Cameron is looking ever more appealing as the New Labour machine moves into Wermacht territory with Ms Smith as Goebbels goose stepping to the tune of the far right. What the hell happened to the Labour Party? Did someone scoop out their principles and replace them with those of the tin pot ruler of some banana republic. How did we let this happen and how can we reverse it? If Osmam Bin Laden had designed the best possible outcome for his personal jihad he couldn't, in his wildest dreams, have thought that all his desires would have been enacted voluntarily by the free society he so vehemently opposes. Game, set and match Osama Bin L. say I.