Your title.
How so?
It's been done before.
Don't you have any original thoughts?
Original in what way.
Well, stuff that hasn't been done before, new stuff, untouched by human mind.
But everything's been used before.
How so?
See those letters you just used in your querulous response to my title?
Well they've all been used before numerous times.
Oh don't be so disingenuous, of course the letters have been used before but it's the order they're used in to form words and the arrangement of the words to form sentences and the order of the sentences etc. - you catch my drift?
Oh I catch your drift all right. Plagiarising other people's use of letters is OK, adaptation of four words is not. Stealing the combined letter utterings of generations of writers, scribes and men and women of letters is OK, but if I adapt four single syllable words it's not.
You're being deliberately obtuse.
Of course - it's what I do.
I'm beginning this blog which will be of indeterminate length with this minor internal dialogue to explain why I don't do blogs. It just takes too much time. By the time my multiple personalities have argued themselves to a writers block I'm just too exhausted to do anything other than languish on the sofa with a glass of wine and not watch Big Brother. Hence the indeterminate nature of this blog.
I may be back....or not.