Have you ever been a house guest for the weekend and found it absolutely impossible to use the lavatory with any degree of relaxation. I don't mean number ones obviously, the attendant pitfalls of unwanted and thunderous gaseous noises don't accompany number ones. No, it's number twos that are the problem. The consequent sound effects of the bowel evacuation procedure are just too embarrassing even with the closest of friends and so you end up holding it in until you get home whereupon you have what Vic Reeves' straight man once referred to as 'a nice relaxing poo'. It must be some kind of territorial imperative. I suppose I wouldn't be nearly as coy if I were a grizzly bear and I might be smearing my faeces as high as I could reach up the bathroom wall. Probably wouldn't be asked back. Hmm, now there's a thought.I only mention it now because this seems to be what's happening now in my own blog. Using other people's blogs isn't the same and I seem to be suffering from the relaxing poo syndrome and it seems to be pouring out of me, so to speak.
Yes and so far it's shit, I hear you cry.
But I hope it'll improve.
So do we!