George Orwell would have been proud of her dedication to making the people of Britain into the most spied upon, most tracked, most databased population on the planet. But hey, if you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to fear. Tell that to Jean Charles De Menezes or Stefan Kizko or any of the numerous other victims of the miscarriage of justice in this fine and pleasant land.
To paraphrase Neil Kinnock, we are being treated to the spectacle of a Labour Government, a Labour Government, scuttling round slicing huge raw lumps off our liberties in the name of security. Seems that they only have to scare us shitless to gain themselves carte blanche to massacre the very society hundreds of our dedicated forbears worked so hard to achieve.
That these abominations should be foisted on us by a governmet purporting to be left-wing is all the more ironic.