Monday, January 19, 2009

How Difficult Can It Be?

Now let me get this straight. If I get myself into serious financial difficulties and go to see a debt counsellor, God forbid but just for the sake of the blog. I will be asked firstly to itemise my liabilities in order to estimate my likely level of debt and I'm just an amateur. How come, six months down the line from the Credit Crunch inception, the professionals, the bankers, cannot tell us, the poor saps who will be doing the bailing out as usual, what the level of their toxic assets are. 
Is it just (a) Incompetence in which case why haven't they been given their marching orders as any of us exhibiting the same level of incompetence would have been. Is it (b) unwillingness to disclose the level of their greed and the duplicitous extent of their financial feeding frenzy or is it (c) the usual level of arrogance that the city shows towards the 'little people'. (No not the leprechauns, though gnomes are traditional enemies of leprechauns or so I've been told.) Us, the great tax-paying public, the mugs that always end up paying for these financial shennanigans while the suited and booted roar off into the Caribbean sunset in their Porsches, Lear Jets and Sunseekers clutching their £1m bonuses in their sticky little mitts. 
Some in the financial sector are undoubtedly paying the price for this charade but as usual the main players seem to be Teflon coated and the only thing that sticks to them is money.