Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Winston Smith, Mind Your Back
It comes to something when Big Brother's big brother warns about Big Brother. Wacky Jacqui Smith's proposals to monitor every communication in the UK and store this information on, what the press are calling, an uberdatabase have come under fire from one of the people you'd expect to be right behind such a move. Sir Ken Macdonald, the Director of Public Prosecutions, has issued a warning to the Government not to create irreversible powers that could be misused to spy on individual citizens. It just goes to show how far Ms Smith has travelled down the road to 1984. Do you think, perhaps, Jacqui Smith may be related to Winston Smith who must've been a terrorist given his inexplicable fear of rats who as we all know are nice cuddly animals not the voracious, disease ridden, faithless, sewer-dwelling quadrupeds of fable . Link.