Tuesday, October 7, 2008
More Power to the Whipmeister
So Max Mosley is taking the fight to the gutter press by way of the European Court of Human Rights. Well good on him. It's about time the disingenuous dickwads at the News of the World and similar sleazoid trash got themselves hosed by someone and if that someone needs to wield the big stick why should it not be Max who enjoys a bit of stick-wielding. Mosley's family have been put through the wringer simply so the reptiles could embarrass him and as he pointed out this is a weekly event in which some poor sod's life is microscopically disected in public with little or no thought given to the effect it has. It's a sad comment on Britain that these comics sift through the septic tank of our sad little world and see how many of the big lumps they can get on the front page. However, parasitic as they may be hooked on in the large intestines of society, it's the buyers of these papers who are the real coprophagics.