Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Snow News Day?

Blimey we must've had it easy all these years. No less than 5 out of the first twelve news headlines on my news reader from the Guardian concerned the snow that fell on Sunday night and, don't panic, continues to fall today. You'd think nothing else happend in Britain on Monday... sorry nothing else happened in London on Monday. For that's the clue folks. It snowed in LONDON! News and media tarts are so South-East-centric that anything that happens down there transcends whatever ocurs in the rest of the country, even the rest of the world.
As someone who was in my early teens in 1963/4 when the snow in Oxfordshire was higher than the roof of the van we were trying to deliver milk from, the light sprinkling of 2009 is laughably slight. But hey, I'm in Dorset not London. Who knows what wild beasts roam the streets of the capital.