Just what we need - more signs. A coroner has called for signs on beaches warning the public of the risk of sand tunnels caving in and suffocating diggers TO DEATH. I live in a wood in Dorset and when I came here ten years ago the few vertical objects that existed had branches on them and pine needles. Now, since the Health and Safety Executive got it's act together we have signs, lots of signs - signs to tell us to stop, signs to tell us to go, signs to tell us how the stop/go thingy works to wit: when the red light shows wait here - WTF? I have lived almost sixty years and never, in all that time, has anyone, ever had to explain to me how a traffic light works but now apparently they do. I even managed, without attending courses, to work out what the red lights flashing over the street junctions in my childhood Dublin(the affectionately known Winking Willies), were about at the age of six. What next - a sign telling me how to read the signs perhaps or regularly spaced signs all round our coastline reading 'Warning! Risk of Drowning'. Still on the positive side this may be just what's needed to prevent coastal erosion.What about tattoo removal?
You said something about tattoo removal.
Oh yeah that. Well, with all the individuals around proving their individuality by having myriad bits of their bodies drawn on by people with vibrating pencils, there's going to be a HUGE market in tattoo removal techniques when they all wake up and realise how repulsive they all look as their skin begins to sag and their bulges begin to expand with advancing age.
So the Brown/Darling axis need not worry. The economy will be kickstarted by the twin prongs of the booming signage industry and the flowering of the de-flowering business.
Ooo er missus!